If you’ve ever read a book on time management then the idea of starting your day with your most important task isn’t a new idea. But, here’s the big question: do you do it? Do you routinely begin your day by making progress on the most important task or project on your to-do list?

If not, why not start today? Here’s how.

First, identify your most important task. For example, this could be one step forward on your most important goal or project. Once you have that important task in mind, post it in the comments, and then, write it down at the top of your daily to-do list.

Next, go do that task! Do it before checking your email or connecting with friends on Facebook. Do it before your first Tweet of the day, or ahead of reading the newspaper. Go do it now.

Then, tonight before going to bed, identify tomorrow’s most important task. Put it at the top of tomorrow’s to-do list, and do it first thing! Repeat this process every day until it becomes a habit.

By starting your day with your most important task, you start your day with a win. You instantly feel more productive, and that feeling will fuel your productivity all day long. Give it a try, and see for yourself. Then, let me know what you think.