28 Day Organizing Challenge

Day 6:  Declutter Your Halloween or Other Holiday Decorations

As I was pulling out our Halloween decorations this year, I realized most of it doesn’t really suit my sense of style anymore. And my kids have kind of outgrown most of it, too. As a result, most of it stayed in the bins. So I thought today, the day after Halloween, it would make sense to declutter this first set of holiday decorations—the Halloween stuff—in the spirit of making space for the upcoming holidays.

If you’re in a part of the world that doesn’t celebrate Halloween, you can still join in the fun today by decluttering other décor items. This could be going through your Fall / Winter (or Spring / Summer for my friends down under) decorations. Or you could simply reevaluate your year-round decorations. Your goal is to create some space, on your flat surfaces and possibly in your storage bins, for the Thanksgiving and / or Christmas decorations you’ll be pulling out this year.

Happy decluttering! And let us know how it goes in the comments.
