…go to the grocery store or clean your house?

I need to do both tonight and would much, much rather clean than grocery shop. I think this shift happened right around the time milk hit $3 a gallon. Or maybe it was at the $4 mark.

Hello. Did anyone tell the cows that gas prices went back down? Perhaps the cows could let up on the milk prices now, too. That would be nice.

In other news…my kids were off school today. And they’re off again tomorrow. Due to cold.

It is cold…but is it THAT cold? I don’t remember cold days back in Michigan…

The cold is starting to get to us…cabin fever of sorts, yet ironically I’m not jumping at my chance to go out into the cold, cold world and grocery shop. Hmmm…I’m starting to reconsider.

So seriously, which would you rather do…groceries or cleaning? And if you have a cure for cabin fever, well, I’d love to hear that, too. Hope you’re warm and well…