it's about time online workshopLast time I posted, I mentioned a big project deadline. Well, it’s (finally!) time to spill the beans. For the past several months I’ve been working on a new online workshop—which is fun stuff for certain. But even better, this new workshop is on the topic most requested by our online community.

Now, if you’ve taken one of my online workshops recently, then you can probably guess that the topic of this new workshop is time management. (And you’d be right!) And you’d probably then think—it’s about time! And, again you’d be right. “It’s About Time” is the perfect name for an online workshop that’s all about getting things done.

Clock and to do list See, at the end of the day, how you choose to spend your time is how you choose to spend your life. Your life, essentially, is made up of series of choices about your time. When you choose to spend your time on activities you enjoy and those that matter to you—your life is filled with purpose, meaning and joy.

So, if you aren’t getting what you want out of your time—maybe you feel guilty about your downtime, or perhaps you feel like you’re always busy but you just don’t have enough time for the things that really matter to you—then you know where I’m coming from when I say “it’s about time.”

If it’s time for a new approach to managing your to-do list so you can have more fun and get more done—then I invite you to join me in It’s About Time.