I did my Finish It Friday projects. Did you? The bike trailer is now listed on Craig’s List—hooray! And I donated a box of books to the library. And I have to say, I was really happy that I had posted on my blog to say I would do these things. There were a bunch of times over the weekend that I wanted to talk myself out of doing these projects. Listing the bike trailer was a pretty involved project—get bike trailer out of storage (thanks, Jay!), set it up (thanks, Jay!), pump air in the tires, vacuum off the dust, clean the inside and outside, take photos, re-size the photos (thanks, Jay!), write a product description, and upload the photos and description onto Craig’s List. None if it was hard, but indeed it was time consuming. Thank goodness for accountability—knowing that I had said I was going to do this project provided the extra bit of motivation to achieve the almighty check mark of completion on my to-do list. Hooray!

After my Friday post I had this question from tchrtiff:  Any suggestions on selling on Craig’s List? I have some stuff I’d like to try and sell but I really don’t know how to go about it–how to list, what to say, how to price, where to meet people who want to buy, etc. Any tips you have would be appreciated. Thanks. Have a good weekend.

This was my first time using Craig’s List. We have given away some things via Craig’s List before, some bigger items that we didn’t want to just take out to the curb. I have used eBay before, and found this process to be much simpler (and it’s free!) Usually, however, I donate items we are letting go of, just due to the time involved in selling. But, I did find the Craig’s List process to be really straight forward. Here’s what I did.

I just went to www.craigslist.org and found my city. Then, I simply filled in the product name, price, your email address (which can be kept private so it isn’t posted directly on the site), product description, and photos. As far as setting the price goes, Jay had done a bit of research ahead of time to see what this type of item normally sells for, and then we set a price that seemed fair to both buyer and seller. (Mind you, the item hasn’t sold yet, so we’ll see how good we are at pricing used bike trailers!) But what I would recommend is to browse around on Craig’s List and get a feel for what items comparable to what you’re selling go for, and then set your price.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on selling on Craig’s List. If you’re experienced with selling items on Craig’s List (or buying them), what are your tips? What makes for a great listing that’s sure to sell? Or what do you look for when buying on Craig’s List? (And I’m also looking forward to hearing what you finished this weekend, too!) Thanks!