What is a blog-jam, you ask? It’s a close relative of the log-jam, but has nothing to do with logs and everything to do with blogs. A blog-jam happens when a blogger, like me, gets back-logged with blog questions and comments to respond to. Why do I mention this? Because I am seriously blog-jammed. And today, I will start the process of freeing the blog-jam and answering the bevy of unanswered questions that have piled up.

Question 1:  Do you have any tips for keeping a pen with the r+h mini binders?

Answer:  I keep my mini binder in my purse, and keep a pen in my purse, too. So I don’t really have a pen that goes into the binder itself. Have any of you found a pen that will either clip to the binder in some way or clip to the rings without damaging it? If so, please share! Thank you.

Question 2:  I was looking to find an idea about what to do with all the Christmas Cards?  I remember Ali made a layout that used a square punch to crop a small part of the card/photo card.  But I can’t bear to cut anyone out…LOL!  I want to keep the whole thing, but how will I make it neat and how can I keep it going for years to come.  I already have about 3 years of cards…at least 40 each year!!

Answer:  My special cards are in a file folder in my file cabinet, which I realize isn’t a terribly inspiring answer. So…what do you all do with your cards? Have you come up with a fun and creative solution for your Christmas cards?

Question 3:  How do you get started. We just moved into a brand new house and we brought only our personal stuff. Everything is brand new in our home. And I just love it all. I have so many organizing books from you to everyone else. I really want to do all baskets as much as I can. I am trying to work one room at a time and its so hard. Any advice to help me get this going.

Answer: I recently posted links to a bunch of my organizing articles. This one is about getting started and offers ideas to help you overcome organizing inertia.